Japanese Judo Links:
The "Kodokan" is the home of judo and is the founding organisation of judo. The judo we practice is known as "Kodokan Judo". The Kodokan is based in Tokyo, Japan and is recognised as a "Special School" in the Japanese education system. Foreign students from around the world are welcomed and can even stay for short periods at the Kodokan. The famous "All Japan Open Weight Championships" are held annually at the Kodokan. You can also find the official kkodokan dan grade (blakc belt) requirements, which are a little different to the BJA requirements. | |
Kiwi Club Osaka | Website of Kiwi Club Osaka - the Osaka International Judo Friendship Association. The aims of the KIWI CLUB OSAKA are "to promote international friendship and cross-cultural understanding and to build meaningful relationships by training both the body and soul in the sport of judo". The organisation organises an annual tournament called the Osaka Goodwill Tournament to involve foreign players living in Japan. The association is closely linked with Daishin Judo Club and Doshisha University Judo Club |
Daishin Judo Club, Osaka, Japan | Daishin Judo Club has some english speaking instructors and welcomes visitors from across the world. Sensei Akihro Matsuura, Kodokan 7th dan, was New Zealand's first national coach and has been a source of technical inspiration for many elite athletes from New Zealand and other countries. Check out the activity on the website. |
Website of Doshisha University Judo Club in Kyoto Japan who train everyday except Monday! Also linked is the website of Doshisha University. It would appear serveral Japanese universities are cutting fees to foreign students for the forthcoming academic year. See also Tsukuba University. | |
A great website for Kids who want to know more about Japan. Click and see. |